Originally posted to Adult BackWash: Saturday May 08, 2004
I don’t say the F word, I just do it. Why is it so bad to say fuck but not so bad to fuck? It’s like that whole cock sucker thing which I have written about here before and will probably rehash eventually.
I give up on calling it the F word here. It’s easier to type fuck and it does have that lovely shock factor. Are you shocked? Don’t you like being shocked. The badness of being the one to shock and the tingling titalation of the one being shocked. Giggle.
No, I didn’t just giggle. That would be beneath me. I am a dragon, dragons don’t really giggle. We growl and grin a lot though.
Anyway, I’ve always been a good girl and I have always been select in my vocabulary. Not because fuck is a bad word so much. Mainly just because it’s kind of crude and just not me. Or, not how I see me as being me. After all, there are so many words to choose from. Why say fuck when sex or make love will do?
But, there is something about saying fuck to your lover at just the right key moment. No, not eff off, not that kind of key moment. I mean the more flavourful and sensual… ‘let’s fuck’. The suggestion of doing something naughty, slightly forbidden and downright bad.
Still, I am select in which words I would use. I wouldn’t say screw. I don’t like tit or cunt. Those just sound so ugly and hard.
I have yet to say fuck in his presence, face to face. It is quite different to type it than to actually speak it. He’s also select in his word use. I like that about him. Also, it makes the occasional fuck word extra noticeable, erotic and bad. It’s fun to be bad sometimes. I intend to be quite bad on Tuesday when we will be in Ottawa. I expect there will be some doing and saying going on. I’m planning on it.
Even for nice grrls there are times when you just grin wickedly and say fuck it all.
Say It and Mean It is a post from: Divorce Darling
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